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Saturday, November 26, 2022

'YES' and 'NO'


Sometimes saying "No" to random opportunities would save you to say "YES" to the opportunity of a lifetime. That is why we used to hear the short phrase "the opportunities cost". Because sometimes the opportunity cost is much greater than not taking the opportunity at all. 

Therefore sometimes, it is best to take time and rest and wait for the right one to come. It goes with anything in life. But sometimes, saying this is a good thing if we ought to look for life experiences. Especially for those who are still young and eager to seek those life experiences.

Define your own success and stick to it. 

Do not sell your soul for money and fame.

Do not lose yourself, if you achieve a level of success.

Focus on where you are going and enjoy the journey.

Remember where you come from – the root.

You will always remember where you are going. 

When you forget where you come from, it is like a tree without roots. It will not survive long.