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Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Success is the great assassin of progress

Do not ever let success come into the head. It is as poisonous as the most poisonous snake. Success is good when it is hovering around, but not inside. When you are poor and have less, be grateful for what you have had. Because when you have more you will miss the simplicity of having less. In the society we sited, it is almost impossible to come back from having more to having less, because of many different types of shame instill in the ladders we climbed to get from less to more.

One of my friends has mentioned a company when he invested in the team that live in my memory ever since. He said "when you have nothing to eat, you would eat less, work more, be resilient and you still survive. Be careful when you have more. You eat more and forget to work. If it runs out, you might die, because you don't know how to eat less, are too fat, and cannot work.  

It is important to have goals and dreams to accomplish in life. It keeps us busy and not boring ourselves to the dead. It is even more important if the goal and dream are something that serves to push forward human progress. So, we need to make transactions, thus we need credits, and we come to the need for money. But most people forget we need money to help us achieve those goals, not that we need goals to make money. One might need a lot of money if the goal is very grand. And it is not a bad thing, but if their goal is to make a lot of money, they will forget how to live their lives and will make no real friends. Because most friends that come to you when you have a lot of money, will be gone, when you have less. It is a simple fact, not their faults — it is their nature — our nature.  

The biggest thing we have to be careful about is not letting success come into our head, once we have a lucky break. Thus, we will not forget our roots and keep good friends and carefully select new friends. Because those successes will introduce unnecessary connections and friendships. 

Watch more carefully when we have the lucky break!