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Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Real is Rare

Real is Rare. Yet, 

when it is real, 

you know it is.

Life is rare. One in thousands survives to become a life. Then, we need to be born and live.

Most humans that ever walked on earth are already dead. Most people born the same age as us died for some kind of reason, only god knows, if there is god. So, being alive is a truly rare phenomenon. 

It is rare to have a real goal with no outside force, yet once we have it we know but can't explain. If you can feel it, probably it is the thing. Look for a signal and cut away the noises. All noise from news, experts, and other people's opinions, your own failure past, and present. It is rare to have real friends. It is rare to have a person who loves you, for real. 

It is rare to have a person, you love for real. Yet, you will have someone or some friends who truly love you and want the best for you. So do not lose faith.

Building a friendship is easy, but sustaining it well is rare. Good friendship is not about seeing each other every day, but it is about wishing 'em well when you think of them. 

Real friends are not without a fight, but it is rare to have friends who don't keep score.