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Dear visitor 

Hello! Glad to see you. My official name is Chandara HACH. I'm a 19 years old (2022) boy from a small town of Prey Veng province in Cambodia.  This is the first autobiography of mine I've ever made. My zodiac sign is Cancer. I got plenty of names besides the official one. My first given nickname is KAKDA (I was born in July) by my mom.  It's also the most well-known name of mine in my hometown (*Fun fact: Villagers mostly unknown my real name lol).  And other names I've made by myself are listed down below (sorted by better known and called):

- 月星星 or 星星 (Yue Xingxing): which means 'The Moon Star' in Chinese same as the meaning of my Cambodian name. I do love this name so much and it's pleasant when people call me by this name.

- 韩常达 (Han Changda): Also another Chinese name, which is an official Chinese name applied in genuine documentation, education, working, or other formal usages in the Chinese version. This name was created by my Chinese laoshi at Dali University, Yunnan, People's Republic of China.

- Dojo (どうじょうor 道場): is a Japanese name created by myself to use in the Anime community, Weebs, cosplays, or role-play on the Internet platform. Very rare people know this name cuz I never show 'em publicly. Only a tiny capacity of people know this name via the Anime community only. Every single time I switch to role-play this name, I've also changed my personality and characteristics simultaneously. You can be amazed or kinda shocked if you saw me in Dojo's personality. 

- Evan Xiao: is an international combined name between Chinese and English. No one has known this name at all even a close person. This is not a private name, just a simple name I randomly imagined for no reason when I was in high school. Just love the sound of the name, kinda pro or ultra or premium sth like that lol. 

- 为小白 (Wei Xiaobai): another inofficial Chinese name created when I was in grade 9, which is the period that I was obsessed and enchanted with Chinese culture, fiction, and mythology. I watched a ton of Chinese fiction. I may forget the actual reason why I created this name, but I knew it must be inspired and influenced by those fiction and I really love this name. I still use it in the current day on WeChat 微信 as my username.

Yup! That's all of my names. You're able to call me whichever you prefer, but it'll be better if it were  Xing or Xiaobai.

In family life, I was the only single son which born surrounded by pretty kind and strongly supported family members. I can say I'm so lucky to be born into this family. They'll support me unconditionally if I do the right things and don't affect others no matter what. This is such a blessing.

An Introverted Kid

Since I was a tiny boy til now, I do not prefer talking much in front of the public eye. I have no confidence or brave to talk to people although sometime I really wanna talk to 'em. And yes! I'm a shy person, I confess it without any excuse. I always try to hide from crowded moments. I'm scared of them and IDK why either. But surprisingly, I'm a person who is enthusiastic about talking and negotiating about something important in a private space and with less well-known people. There are a little number of people who dislike me or kinda hate me just because I'm not talking much and staying calm like a robot and mannequin 😑. They always say why you're not talking to me or us, you're a superstar or something? Don't act like an angel...etc. I have no words to respond, what I can do, is just start hiding from them and say sorry.  I do like talking to people privately and peacefully, prefer a quiet place and fewer people. 

Entertainment Preferences

Movie Genre: Action/War, Supernatural, Anime, Superpower, Horror, Adventure, Sci-Fi, POP

Music Genre: Hip-Hop/Rap, Dubstep, EDM, Rock, Lo-Fi, R&B / Soul.


I know 6 languages, not including Khmer such as English, Chinese, Japanese, French, Thais, and Vietnamese. But know well only English, Chinese, French, and Thais, for other languages, just little and very little. I wanted to learn Korean also but I can't, cuz I have no time 🙁.