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Tuesday, October 18, 2022


The way is your path. Your mission through life. You need to spend your life finding the beginning of your path. Then, the rest of your life walking as far as your feet will carry you.

Dedicate your life to finding your path; what you want to master, and the activities you want to do until you die.

Once you find your path the next chapter of your life begins: mastering the way–never stray from the way.

How to stay on the path

- Find your purpose.

Tend to it every day. If you don’t know your purpose–look until you find it. You’ll know because it’s all you’ll think about. 

- Set clear goals.

Ambiguous goals are seldom accomplished. You can’t hit a target while it’s covered in a thick layer of fog–fog is ambiguity.

- Create rewards for yourself.

You can’t be disciplined all the time, but you can most of the time.

- Life is for your enjoyment.

Earn your pleasures through your work, and you won’t poison your hard-fought discipline.

- Create bounties for each challenge on your path.

After accomplishing a milestone, give yourself a reward you actually want–like permission to play a video game; five rest days; a vacation; or a new car–if you’ve earned it.

The path to mastery will give you more satisfaction than anything else you’ll experience.